Various Uses

You can mix and match the Triple Bay Box and Single Bay units ...
to create the "spider fishing" effect
to create the "spider fishing" effect

Triple Bay Flat rod holders work great on railings where the Triple Bay Box rod holder may either be too large or too small, or on railings you make out of PVC or 2X4s. Single Bay rod holders will also work when you want to determine your own spacing.

Mount Single Bay rod holders or Triple Bay Flat rod holders toward the inside edge of wide dock railings to allow the holder to be adjusted to the proper angle for fishing. For public dock and piers with 2x4 railings, mount Single Bay rod holders to clamps; cut the Triple Bay rod holders into three single rod holders to fit over a railing; or just use your imagination to create ways to use our versatile rod holders on public docks for easy installation and removal.

Single Bay rod holders or Triple Bay Flat rod holders can be mounted directly into the boat gunnels for either freshwater or inshore saltwater use.

Single Bay rod holders can be added to an existing stand to make it more versatile.

One of our customers found a way to use them on his jon boat by reconfiguring the bolt system for the base. He added two nuts on the bolt inside of the base, one against the base and the other against the T-knob. Then he pops it over the boat's railing with the T-knobs against the outside of the boat. This enables him to slide the rod holders anywhere along the railing while fishing, and then slides them all toward the back for trailering.
These are just a few examples of the numerous ways the Single Bay, Triple Bay Flat or Triple Bay Box rod holders can be adapted for use on your boat, dock, or public dock with just a little imagination.